Trauma Integration
and Process Support
Searching and found.
I’d be happy to tell you more about me and my journey.
I am driven by the search for the deepest truth of our being, as well as by the encounter with it – whether within myself or in the living relationships with the world. On this journey, I, too, as a human, repeatedly encounter my shadows and wounds, but also time and again the light that shines behind them, a light that holds for me a deeply inspiring and transformative power.
It is my deep conviction and experience that we can reconnect with a healthy core, no matter what we have experienced. A healthy core of being is not only good, but, above all, unites both dark and light. This is often a paradigm shift, and I know that all opposites desire to come together in a fruitful and creative interplay of polarities.
I consider myself a deeply searching person, but also a deeply found one. This search is inexhaustible for me; it is the way. I am still searching. But the "searching" within it is transforming. From a driven seeking for redemption, it is increasingly turning into a humble listening, a swinging in all things.
On this path, I am repeatedly touched in an inspiring way. Some of my sources include nature, with the sun being central to it. Music and literature, poetry and mysticism. The authenticity of children. Laughter and tears. Important people who have shaped and continue to shape my work include, aside from my immediate surroundings, C.G. Jung, Eugen Drewermann, Monika Renz, Etty Hillesum, Meister Eckhart, Jesus Christ, and many more.
Not least because of my own biography, I have developed a refined and broad perception, which allows me to dive into a knowing field and draw from it.
I do not have a formal psychotherapy education. However, my diverse training and continuing education, along with many years of deep personal process work, enable me to meet and adequately accompany others in this way.
2016 - 2017
Buddhist psychology and philosophy
Lharampa Tenzin Kalden, CH-Zurich
2018 - 2021
Body therapy training in the Shiatsu method
International Shiatsu School, CH-Kiental
2019 - 2022
Training Systemic Constellations with Somatic Trauma Resolution
Kientalerhof Campus, CH-Kiental
2021 - 2023
Energy work by A.J. Stäger
Institute of Energy Work CH-Zürich
2022 - 2024
Assistant in the course Systemic Constellations with Somatic Trauma Resolution
Kientalerhof Campus, CH-Kiental
2024 - 2025
Teacher training in the course Systemic Constellations with Somatic Trauma Resolution under the direction of Barbara-Elisa Brantschen
Kientalerhof Campus, CH-Kiental
2023 - 2026
Somatic Experiencing Trauma Therapy by Dr. Peter Levine
ZIST Institute for Personal and Professional Development, de-Penzberg
since 2025
Co-leadership of the course Systemic Constellations with Somatic Trauma Resolution
Kientalerhof Campus, CH-Kiental
Continuing education
Trauma and sexuality
Peter Levine and Diana Richardson
Ego-state therapy for post-traumatic disorders
by Kai Fritzsche
Finding meaning — the hidden search for God
with Monika Renz
Transparents: Transformational Parenting
Intensive training
Trauma and human biology
various continuing education courses
many years of spiritual practice
Buddhism, Christianity, mysticism
We all fall. This hand there falls.
And look at others: it is in all of them.
And yet there is One who holds this falling
infinitely gently in His hands.
- Rainer maria rilke